If you are a small business or new in the market, there is a great possibility that you do not have enough funds to spend on a marketing campaign. Reaching correct prospects at correct hours is the only way to increase business revenues. E-mail marketing has always been an effective and economical way to reach the masses, but nothing can get as economical as free e-mail marketing.
Here, we will take a look at why running an email marketing campaign for free is such a great option for small businesses operating in an ailing economy.
1. E-mail are still cool – Thanks to the ever improving technology, consumers these days use a broad array of devices and mediums such as social media, instant message, SMS text etc. While several channels have come along over the last few years, e-mail is still the fastest and most cost-effective way to reach prospects.
2. It is easily measurable – Keeping a track of your marketing strategy is among the important step in managing a marketing campaign. Knowing how your campaigns are going can be difficult with traditional media, but with the inclusion of simple HTML image tag, every aspect of your e-mail campaign can be tracked easily without costing a fortune.
3. “Free” means extra savings- It is no wonder that past recession and rugged economy has hit small businesses so hard. A free email marketing campaign can balance the expenses and can give small businesses an opportunity to keep the budget intact, which will produce a better return in future.